2005 and earlier
Water – an unusual liquid; Atomic particles; Digital Photography; Motor Vehicles; Telephone Technology; Canal Boat Lifts; Food Additives; Building Technology; The First Transatlantic Cable; The moon and tides; Structural Fire Protection; Bridges; Aircraft Fuel Systems; Nuclear Power; Perspective in Art; The Uses of Satellites; Catastrophe Theory; The Electricity Distribution Network; Pi; Social Insects; Tsunamis; A Walk along the Seashore; Viruses;
Ripening of Tomatoes; Energy for the Future; New Horizons in the Solar System; Let’s Build a Computer; Parts of the body; Anti-oxidants; The sounds of music; Fire-fighting hovercraft; Power station efficiency; The Human eye; Home automation; Male and female brains;
All fingers and thumbs; Escaping from submarines; “The Blind Watchmaker”; Saving electricity in the home; Bionic man; Prime numbers; Radar; Local weather records; Hydraulic ram pumps; London underground; Air navigation; The human eye; The Severn Barrage;
100 years of electronics; Nano-technology ; Nutrition; Ford Model T – to the Prius; Human Brain; Antarctica ecology; Thomas Telford; Neuroscience; Imaginary numbers; Clocks & Calendars; Mazes & Puzzles; Biometrics;
Why we don’t live for ever; British Coal Mining Industry; Science of Air Combat; Charles Darwin; Better Broadband; Sir Goldsworthy Gurney; Science Festival; Practical Creativity; Early Metallurgy; The Elements; What our Fingers Tell us;
Red Blood Cells; GPS; Wine Science; Climate Change; Everyday Things; Science Festival; Galapagos; I don’t know – do you?; Science, Technology and Learning; You’re never out of touch; History of Aspirin; Paper Sizes; Flash Memory; Book Reviews
Dowsing; Electronic Displays; Evolution of Software; History of Sound Recording; Madagascar; European Orchids; Why do we act that way? Rare Earth Elements; Fokker Trimotor; Battery Technology; Wine Faults; Silicon; End of the Heat Engine Age; Fleming & Penicillin
Anatomy of the Earth; Engineers from the North-East; Cardiff Naturalists; Illumination; History of Chemistry; Stardust – Elements from the Stars; Taxonomy of Flowering Plants; Solar Panels (BCL Energy); A Sketch of Atomic Structure ; Raspberry Pi; Pythagorean Tipples (!); Diabetes and Obesity
Richer Sounds talk; Cosmology; How fast is too fast; Numbers & Infinity; Alan Turing; Gene Sequencing; Augmented Reality; Volcanos; Jam; Who or what makes your Decisions ; Strepy-Thieu Boat Lift ; Future of Nuclear Energy; Mazes; Biscuits; Our Robot
100 years of Inventions; Arsenic; Large Scale Storage of Electricity; Bread; British Aeronauts; Cryptography; Static Electricity; Science and Truth; Flying Egg-Beaters; The Future of Work; 16 Exciting things to do with your Phone before Breakfast
Running a Small Technical Business; The Plight of the Honey Bee; The Art of Technology; The Other Wright Brothers; {Morris) Minor Themes; Pascal’s Triangle; Genetic Inheritance; How to Beat the Bookies; Saws; Maths of Piano Tuning; Audiology; Perpetual Motion; Mt. Isa Lead Mine ; BOGOF – for beginners!
Microbiology – friend or foe; James Nasmyth; Flying High, Diving Deep; History of Industrial Revolution in 8 Objects; Amazing Brain; Food Diet and Health; Submarine Accidents; Natural History; Water; Saving Petrol; LED Street Lighting; Driverless Vehicles
6 Revolutions in Biology; Avro Vulcan/Blue Steel; Let’s Build a Computer; Bookbinding; About Time; Gene Editing; Energy from Food Waste; Industrial Archaeology; Hay Tor Tramway; Handley-Page; Our Future; Your Christmas Tipple
Names of Elements Brunelleschi’s Duomo; A.I. in Combat; Isaac Peral; Computer Pioneers; Weather; Flying the Phantom; Your Digital Footprint; Maths in Early Space Travel;
Extraordinary Materials; Funky Fungi; Going with a Bang; Post-War Military Equipment; G.M.Foods; 737 Max – Why?; Nuclear Reactor Technology; Flighty Ladies; Butterflies; Mobile Phones – where are we now?; Science of Santa
Mind the Gap; Popcorn materials; Porcelain; NHS Technology; Cutting carbon; Directional Drilling; Coronavirus; Sleep; Mitochondria; He Lit the Lamp (A.M.Low); Internet of Things; Flying Egg-Beaters; Photo-Synthesis; Neutrino Physics
Home Automation; Stellar Evolution; Energy Storage; Limestone Geomorphology; The M.G.; Radio Communication; The Yang/Lee Nobel Prize; Technology of Intelligence Gathering; What’s the Point of Hinkley; Babbage’s Idea and Ever Onward; Moving away from Hydrocarbons; Climate Change
Tardigrades; Nuclear Fusion; What is Life?; Decarbonising Industry; Human Immune System; Heat Engines; Neural Networks; Numbers, Real or Imagined; James Webb Telescope; Exercise in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease; Greening the Web; Conway’s Calendar Algorithm
When the Immune System Goes Wrong; The Large Hadron Collider; Computerising the OED; Order and Chaos in the Solar System; The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment; Early Astronomers; The Lunar Men; Left-handedness; Isaac Newton; Linnaeus; Global Navigation Satellite Systems
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